Free me from talk of the national census! I want to discuss senses.
On my morning walk this day, I was conscious of a whiff of damp cedar; it evoked an instant memory of girl guide camp some - oh, it can't be that many!! - years ago. A visit to that camp site in the Boreal forest of the Laurentian Mountains (or should that read the Laurentan Mountains of the Boreal forest? please do not hesitate to correct me, gentle reader, if need be) - but I digress, a visit there by my Pater led him to purchase the family summer cottage in that same general geographic area. One olfactory memory leads to another, from damp cedar to damp bathing suits, the damper on the smoky fireplace at the cottage, roasted marshmallows - you get my drift. This leads to thoughts of both the late parents, thus to thoughts of humans' mortality. Leaving that area: on to the sense of sight. The photo above is of one of the things I see on my short, daily voyage in the 'hood. I am far from Oz, but these whimsical sculptures please the visual sense.
You may have an opinion to share on the current 'hot' topic of the Canadian long-form census questionnaire.
As for common sense, you may have some valuable insights. My thought on that is: there does not seem to be an abundance of common sense floating about. What say you?