Saturday, March 29, 2008

Finally, Spring!

where I live, we've had a long, cold winter. This coming week we will finally have balmier temperatures and rain to wash all the winter away...I took some photos of tulips today, thought I'd share one with you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

recently, there was an ice sculpture exhibit in Toronto, where I live this piece was so whimsical, it caught my eye! enjoy...

Sunflowers are my favorite - I recently painted this image in acrylic on canvas, thought I'd share it here.

almost one year later...

here I am again...I thought I'd reactivate this page;
there is always so much to do, places to go, people to see, projects to manage, songs to sing, pictures to paint, photos to take, books to read, music to hear...chocolate to to sip...paths to walk...mountains to climb (not me, maybe you?)...grandbabies to kiss and hug...magazines to skim...oceans to sail, lakes and rivers to kayak...a partner to share with...a partner to search for...dreams to come true...